




Our Online Tutoring is Fun, Engaging & Effective with our Trained, Experienced Tutors & Games
  • Kids are falling in LOVE with Arabic from their first class!
  • Our students start to show interest in reading in Arabic outside class time.
  • Parents say that their kids are now encouraged to speak in Arabic at home!




Your kids can finally enjoy learning Arabic!

Our Guarantee! If your child does not enjoy the sessions, we will refund tuition fees.

Make sure to request it by the 3rd session.





First-time students must take an acceleration boot camp before starting the main program. The boot camp includes:

  • First time students only
  • 30 minutes
  • 1-in-1 lesson
  • Three times a week
  • Lasts for 2 weeks
  • Total of 6 sessions
  • Accelerating students’ foundation building

There are two types of lessons included in our literacy program

Main Session:

  • 30 minutes
  • 1-in-1 lesson
  • Once a week
  • Covers main competencies lesson

Support Session:

  • 15 minutes
  • 1-in-1 lesson
  • Once a week
  • Working with students on weaknesses and/or assigned homework

We provide co-curricular activities which are optional session that focuses on Arabic language immersion. Build and practice communicating in Arabic. These activities are:

  • 1 hour
  • Group session
  • Each activity has a rotation schedule
  • Arabic Language Immersion through fun and purposeful activities


Customized & Gamified Experience for Students Minimum Screen-Time

Students’ Assessments:

  • Initial Assessment
  • Daily Assessments
  • End of Ladders Assessments

Students’ Support:

  • Enrichment Activities
  • Extra Practice Activities
  • Homework Support

Progress Reports:

  • Initial Assessment Report
  • End of Program Report
  • Flexible Scheduling; can pause during vacations
  • Parents’ Meeting
  • Parents’ Support
  • Parents’ Email Communication after Every Session
  • Parents’ Technical Support (zoom, eduTechnoz portal and anything else related to our sessions)
  • Rescheduling option – minimum 48 hours notice
  • Portal Access (6,000+ online resources) to extend for a year after completing enrollment sessions



Sign Up

With your email address sign up for an account today to get started on eduTechnoz.

Schedule Classes

Pick the times that works best with your schedule!

We operate from September to July on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays.

Offering classes from 9am to 12pm EST or 4pm-7pm EST.


Enroll in the total of 30 sessions when scheduling the classes.

Acceleration Bootcamp

30 minutes | 6 sessions | 3 per week | 2 weeks

Main 1on1 Session

30 minutes | 10 sessions | once per week

Support 1on1 Session

15 minutes | 11 sessions | once per week

Drama Group Session

60 minutes | 3 free sessions


Unique Literacy Curriculum

Research-based curriculum

10+ years of researching “Why Arabic is Hard?” and “How to simplify teaching & learning it?”

Uses Phonics

Modern approach of teaching reading & writing in Arabic using Phonics.

Consists of 18 ladders

A ladder contains a number of steps, where each step represents a skill. By the end of the 18th ladder, students will be able to fluently read, write.

Includes 4 Phases

  1. Arabic Literacy Foundation (ladders 1 & 2)
  2. Building Reading Competency (ladders 3-7)
  3. Building Fluency (ladders 8-15)
  4. Mastery (ladder 18)

Access to 6,000+ online resources on our gamified platform

  • Games
  • eBooks / Print Books
  • Workbooks
  • Worksheets
  • Songs
  • Activities
  • Short Animated Clips

Holistic Tutoring System

Professional Tutors

Our tutors are trained by our own educational experts. We all thrive for high quality levels.

Caring Tutoring

Bonding with students is a priority to our mentoring tutors.


After every ladder, an assessment is conducted by our assessment team to ensure that students are ready for the next literacy competency.

Supervision & Quality Assurance

Director of teaching and learning supervise all customized lesson plans to match students’ current levels and to ensure progress within each student’s individual ability.

Gamified Lessons

All lessons are taught through playing and fun games.

Rewards System

Students get motivated to complete their work & work through challenges.

Support for Parents

We provide a comprehensive orientation for parents to show them how we can support them and keep them in the loop of their kids’ progress.

Co-Curricular Activities

Arabic Language Immersion

The more students practice communicating in Arabic, the more they master it.


Drama is designed to combine creative writing methods with Drama activities to build students’ confidence to speak in Arabic.


Arts & Crafts activity is designed so that students get used to hearing instructions in Arabic language. This will build their listening competency.

Vocabulary Building

Other Co-Curricular activities focus on building new vocabulary through story telling, game playing …etc.



Global User Base

Our users are distributed globally over 45+ countries.

Global Stage & Experiences Exchange

Shared our research findings & experiences in global educational conferences.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Worked with Refugees, Schools for Students with Special Needs, Sick Children in Hospitals, and educating teachers & parents how to make Arabic learning experience easier for students.


1. What if we need to travel or change our lessons’ schedule?

No problem! All what we need is a 48 hours notice.

2. What if there is an emergency and we must cancel a session?

You should not worry either. We will do our best to accommodate your emergency. Raising a family while juggling everything else is not easy! We got you!

3. How long will it take to complete the program?

Our literacy 18 ladders are designed to be completed within 200 hours. However, each student has his/her own rhythm and speed. The duration of the program also depends on the frequency of the sessions; the more sessions per week, the faster they can complete the ladders.

4. Will one tutor be working with my kid the whole time?

We have trained all our professional, caring tutors. Some of them are assigned extra support cases while others would be supply/substitute tutors. All tutors report to our Director of Teaching & Learning who is responsible to make sure that tutors’ teaching styles match students’ ever-evolving learning styles. Therefore, students’ needs will dictate who will be tutoring them.

5. What are the official off days for the center?

The online center closes for 1-2 weeks for the following holidays:

  • Birth of the Prophet : 1 Week
  • Christmas Holiday: 2 Weeks
  • Easter Holiday: 2 Weeks
  • Last Week of Ramadan: 1 Week
  • Eid Al-Fitr: 1 Week
  • Eid Al-Adha: 1 Week


All the days off will be reflected in your personalized sessions schedule/calendar.

6. What if my child did not enjoy the program?

The lessons are designed based on each student’s level and interest using game elements to effectively engage him/her. The more they are engaged, the more they learn. If your child did enjoy traditional Arabic schooling, we would love to talk with you to further discuss any specifics to guide you with this decision; after all, we want to ensure that we can serve your child before you enroll him/her. You can also go ahead and enroll your child with our program and if he/she does not get adjusted by the 3rd session, we will refund tuition fees.

Feel free to contact us at [email protected] or +1 (416) 848-8865

+1 (416) 848-8865
[email protected]

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Enrollment Options

Request Free Trial

Experience the difference. Fill out the form for a complimentary trial class and see why our program stands out. 

Semester Enrollment

Enjoy access to all sessions, including exclusive drama sessions, throughout the months of January 2024 – May 2024.

Full Program closed enrollments. 

Enroll in Specific Month(s)

Customize your child’s learning journey by choosing specific months. Select desired months from the table below, and the total price will be calculated accordingly.

Prophets’ Stories:

Culture & Values

Your daughter will start understanding a conversation in an animated clip (cartoon). With inclusivity in mind, we focus on the story-telling aspect and universal values. She’ll get better at it with every class, which ends with friendly Kahoot 😊.


Easily Comprehended

Your son will be surprised that he actually understands the story narrated by the teacher! Before narrating the story, he’ll play multiple games designed to help him acquire vocabulary and grammar concepts important to understanding the chosen story.  He’ll also gain a confidence boost once he correctly answer Kahoot comprehension questions 😉.



Your daughter will learn how to form proper Arabic sentences.  For example, conjugation, feminine and masculine concept (haadaa sayyarah or  haadee sayyarah)…etc. She’ll learn simplified grammar, practice with carefully designed games and retain it with Kahoot friendly competition at end of class.


Introduce, practice & retain

Your son will gain new vocabulary to speak more, especially after breaking the ice to speaking in Arabic. He’ll enjoy vocabulary-based games throughout this class that will always conclude with a Kahoot friendly competition to enhance retention. 🙌


Creativity Meets Expression

Your child’s resistance to speak Arabic will melt away. She’ll learn how to create and act out creative scenes and dialogues in Arabic.  For example, imagine you have a pet crocodile and you took it with you to school; describe your day! She’ll race to speak and express her creativity that will be turned into a simplified Arabic sentence.  She’ll proudly say the simple Arabic sentence that she just created. How fun and effective!

Public Libraries Book Appointment Form

Enrollment Options

Request Free Trial

Experience the difference. Fill out the form for a complimentary trial class and see why our program stands out. 

Summer Enrollment

Enjoy access to all sessions, including exclusive drama sessions, throughout the months of June 2024 – July 2024.

Full Program Enrollment

Enjoy access to all sessions, including exclusive drama sessions, throughout the months of October 2023 – July 2024.

Full Program closed enrollments. 

Enroll in Specific Month(s)

Customize your child’s learning journey by choosing specific months. Select desired months from the table below, and the total price will be calculated accordingly.

Program Schedule

Cohort ID Cohort Starting Date Ending Date # Sessions Curriculum
1 Oct 03/10/2023 28/10/2023 4 Prophet's story, Story time, Vocabulary, Grammar
2 Nov 31/10/2023 02/12/2023 5 Prophet's story, Vocabulary, Story time, Grammar, Vocabulary
3 Dec 05/12/2023 16/12/2023 2 Drama, Drama
4 Jan 01/01/2024 27/01/2024 4 Grammar, Vocabulary, Prophet's story, Story time
5 Feb 30/01/2024 03/03/2024 5 Vocabulary, Grammar, Story time, Vocabulary, Prophet’s story
6 Mar 05/03/2024 09/03/2024 1 Drama
7 Apr 16/04/2024 27/04/2024 2 Drama, Drama
8 May 30/04/2024 01/06/2024 5 Prophet's story, Story time, Grammar, Vocabulary, Story time
9 Jun 04/06/2024 26/06/2024 3 Drama, Drama, Drama
10 Jul 02/07/2024 27/07/2024 4 Grammar, Vocabulary, Prophet’s story, Story time